Instant Fusion - CP07-EN017 - Common - Unlimited Edition Tweet Out of stock. $0.97 Wishlist Details Card Rules: Rulings powered by The Netrep API. Because the Summon from 'Instant Fusion' is a Fusion Summon, Fusion Monsters with the text 'A Fusion Summon of this monster can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.' cannot be Special Summoned with 'Instant Fusion'. Since the Special Summon from 'Instant Fusion' is treated as a Fusion Summon, you can use 'Premature Burial' etc. on the Fusion Monster if it is destroyed. Even if 'Non-Spellcasting Area' is active, a Fusion Monster that is not an Effect Monster (such as 'Flame Swordsman') will still be affected by the restrictions on 'Instant Fusion'. So it still cannot attack and it is still destroyed at the end of this turn. Even though only 1 copy of this card can be activated each turn, you can chain 'Serial Spell' to it to duplicate the effect. If 'Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude' uses its effect and reveals 'Instant Fusion', you can still activate another 'Instant Fusion' that same turn. [Re: Chain Material] You cannot use 'Chain Material's' effect when resolving 'Instant Fusion' or 'Future Fusion'. Passcode: 01845204 Set: Champion Pack: Game 7 Card Number: CP07-EN017 Rarity: Common Attribute: Spell Card Text: Pay 1000 Life Points. Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon). The Fusion Monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack, and is destroyed during the End Phase. Only 1 'Instant Fusion' can be activated per turn. Card Type: Normal Spell Name: Instant Fusion Edition: Promo